Installations and services

Sauerhammer Wäschereibedarf & Service have many years of experience in the field of laundry techniques. For us it is essential to support our customers in all matters. Be it consulting before meeting decisions, supplying the needed materials or organising and carrying out installations.

Our installation works comprise everything: cylinder covering (ironer cloths, needled felt, et al.), ironer covers (e. g. lamellae), ironer tapes, grinding troughs and repair of cylinders and troughs. We offer high quality work and are always reliable. If desired we gladly train our customers’ employees, either during or after the installations.

Installation and service works do also apply to folding and plaiting machines, presses and ironers. Pads and covers to be used will be assembled in accordance with current quality standards and supplied for an immediate application at our customers’ premises.

Short response times on customer’s demand (also emergencies), regular inspections especially for highly stressed machines help to avoid and minimise deadtimes. We also offer lump-sums for installations of certain machines.

Sauerhammer works throughout Europe!


Sauerhammer Wäschereibedarf + Service GmbH * Seerosenstraße 3 * 72669 Unterensingen *** Phone: +49 7022 97 95 60 * Fax: +49 7022 97 95 61